Go Go Nihon 3.Paypal, the application is complete! I got accepted!!!
Hi! I am going to put all of these togehter since I didn't write so mouch.
And I wont be writing any more since it will continue in April!
I will write about other things that might and might not have anything to do with Japan.
22 January
Hi! I have now got an answer from Go Go Nihon. There have been a few problems with my mail so it have taken a long time to send all my pictures and files. I now also got to know that my print date of my grades must be no later than three months-_-which I didn't get what they meant until I asked my dad. -_- I got the link to Paypal so I can now pay the admission fee. Nothing mooch have happen now, so I am going to send in my grades again and wait and see what happens. ^^
24 January
Today I saw in my mailbox that my application is done and I didn't have to fix any new date for my grades, really now, they could have told me sooner (but I guess they didn't since they didn't know, so can't really blame theme. It's just me being irritated ^^ ) They said that I only have to pay the admission fee and I have already done that so every thing should be alright now. ^^ I hope there wont be any more problems! -_-' ^^
28 January
Today I woke up to a wonderful surprise! ^^
My application have been accepted by Intercultural Institute of Japan! Yay!!! I am so damn happy!!!! I got an answer faster then I expected O.o I was very suppressed but very happy!!
They wrote that the next step to Japan will be in april, they are going to send a email with more information:
Hi, Maja!
Your application has now been approved by the Intercultural Institute and they look forward to having you as a student starting in July, congratulations!
The next step in Japan takes place in April, we will send you an email with the following information.
Application to the CSN
It takes a CSN statement from your school for you to be able to apply for student aid (student loans and / or scholarships), but without it the application wont go through. We ensure that school will write to them for the certificate in time.
When you arrive to Japan.
If you book a flight right now, you have to talk with us when it may be a good time to arrive in Japan, if you book the flight too early, it may happen that you do not have time to get your student visa in time before departure. A lot of the schools have not yet decided exactly what date it is call and so we can not recommend a date yet.
Wishes for where you want to live
You will receive an accommodation form where you fill in the details of your arrival in Japan and wishes for where you want to live. It can be good to start looking at our accommodation now, in order to se what you can choose from: http://gogonihon.com/en/japan-apartments-rent-guesthouse-homestay
We will also give some tips and advice on what you should think about and prepare for departure
Make sure to practice a little hiragana and katakana (example www.realkana.com) we will speak with you later this spring!
Go Go Nihon 3.Paypal, ansökningen är klar! Jag blev intagen!!
Jag skriver de här i samma eftersom de är så korta ^^
23 Januari
Hej! Jag har nu fått mail igen från Gogo Nihon. Jag har haft lite strul med min mail så alla mina bilder/filer jag skickat till dom har tagit lång tid att fixa och jag fick nu reda på att mina betygs utskriftsdatum inte får vara senare än 3 månader -_- vilket jag inte ens fattade att det var det dom menade förrän jag frågade min pappa. -_- Jag har även fått länken till Paypal så att jag kunde betala intagning avgift. Det har inte hänt så mycket annat än det just nu, ska skicka i väg den nya betyg pappret och sen får jag väll se vad som händer. ^^
24 Januari
Idag såg jag på min mail att ansökningen är klar och att jag inte alls behövde fixa någon ny datum på mina betyg, really now, de kunde sagt det något tidigare. -_- Jag kan inte riktigt klaga på dem eftersom de antagligen inte visste, det är bara jag som är lite irriterad. oh well. De sa att jag bara skulle betala ansökan avgiften nu vilket jag redan gjort. Hoppas det inte blir någon strul med det nu! -_- ^^
28 Januari
Hej, idag vaknade jag på morgonen med en trevlig överraskning! ^^
Min ansökan är godkänd av Intercultural Institute of Japan! Jag är så jäkla glad nu!! Yay!!! Det gick väldigt fort för dom att svara O.o blev väldigt förvånad! De skrev att nästa steg mot Japan sker i April, då kommer de att skicka ett mail med följande information:
Go Go Nihon 2. Gymnasium, mail, money!
18 January, I have now fixed a picture on my passport, picture on myself and my grades. When you send them, they must be well lit. The picture on myself wasn't so easy to take since I didn't have a white wall at home. -_-' If you are still in high school (gymnasium in Sweden) like I am, I go in my last year in high school and going right now my final termination, you should also fill out a patch (I made my own) where it says:
I will translate the picture that i put up!
Years required to complete studies:
start date, when do you start school?:
expected completion date (When do you end school?):
What types of studies (like music, nature etc):
And then your teacher/principals signature.
Here is the picture of me that I used: (I don't want to show you my passport or grade since its personal ^^)
You also need you teachers or principal signature, on a paper where it says when you are going to ended school, it have to be of course before you go to japan, including expected completion date.
Something they have told me now, (which I think they could have told me earlier -_-' but I guess better late then never) I am going to show you some picture of the mails I have send and got. This is about my experience so this doesn't have to be the same for you. ^^
Hi Maja!
Very sorry I did not already yesterday announced you this but I have to inform you that since you completed your high school education in June later this year, it may be a bit complicated with your CSN-application. Since you cant request for a CSN-loan before your studies are done and gotten you final grades in time, you probably will not get study support in time to pay the first tuition fee that will be equivalent to 6 months of study. If you want you can contact the CSN directly and see if this can be solved.
If you are able to pay the school fees of their own savings, it is no problem to go ahead with your application. If not I would recommend that you make an application to the October launch instead.
I hade to ask her a few questions:
Hi Camilla!
How mouch does the school fee cost? Can I get CSN-loan later or wont I get any at all, if I pay the school fee now by my self? When do I get to know if I have been accepted, July-start and October-start? Will all of the documents that I sent to you be saved or will I have to write new once?
I wanted to knew this because 1. I wanted to know if I could pay the fee by myself 2. I don't want to borrow money from CSN but I still wanted to know if I could get support from them. 3. Since its not a 100% chance that I will get accepted (well not that I know of,) so I hade to know if I could apply to college incase I don't get in. Then I have at least an other plan for the future. Beside I am now going to a group interview for McDonalds (and yes for you guys who is thinking "are you seriously going to work for McDonalds -_-' " so yea I am, its better then nothing. ^^) So yea if I get the job then I know that I can work there in the summer and earn money if I now would choose the october start instead. ^^
This is the answer I got:
Hi, Maja!
The first payment to the school for 6 months of studies, including the application fee and registration fee kanndar at 435.800 yen. It's fine to seek CSN loan later and you can borrow for tuition even if you pay it out of your own pocket first. You get to know if you have been accepted or not after about 1 to 2 week, if we get all the necessary documents.
435,800 yen is right now 27043.77 kr / 4175.53 dollar
It seem like you get to know if you were accepted to the school in 1 to 2 week when they get all the necessary documents. I don't know if they have got all my necessary documents. I wrote in the the 7th january post, that you hade to pay the school fee but I couldn't pay it because it because it said that I didn't have enough money on my account, which is strange since it says that I have to pay 1342.55 kr and I have right now 3065.43 kr. It have gone 2 dats since I send the documents, so now I am going to just wait for an answer. ^^
Go Go Nihon 2. Gymnasiet, mail, pengar!
18 januari, Nu har jag fixat ett kort på passet, på mig själv och mina betyg. När du skickar dem måste de vara väll upplysta. Bilden på mig själv var jobbig att ta eftersom jag inte hade något hel vit väg hemma hos mig -_- Om du fortfarande går i gymnasiet, (precis som jag), jag går i mitt sista år i gymnasiet och går just nu min sista termin så ska man även fylla i en lapp (jag gjorde min själv) där man skriver:
Man behöver även ett signerat intyg från en lärare/rektor på din skola där det står att du kommer att avsluta dina studier i (innan de datum som du ska till japan till) inklusive förvätat avslutningsdatum.
Något de berättade för mig nu, (vilket de kunde ha berättat innan -_- men men bättre sent en aldrig antar jag,) Nu visar jag en bild av mailet, så det här handlar om min situation så detta behöver inte vara samma för er alla:
Jag var då tvungen att ställa henne några frågor då:
Detta ville jag veta eftersom 1. jag ville veta om jag kunde betala det själv 2. Kommer inte att ta lån från CSN men ville ändå vet om jag kunde få stöd av dem. 3. Eftersom att det inte är 100% chans att jag kommer in (eller ah det vet jag inte) så ville jag veta om jag kunde söka till någon högskola i fall att jag inte kommer in. Då har jag i alla fall ett annat val att göra och jag har nu fått en grupp intervju på McDonald's (okej för er som tänker "ska du jobba på McDonald's -_- " så ja om jag får jobbet så är det bättre än inget ^^) Så som sagt om jag får jobbet så vet jag att jag kan jobba där på sommaren och tjäna pengar om jag nu skulle välja att ta Oktober starten. ^^
Detta fick jag som svar:
435,800 yen är just nu 27043.77 kr / 4175.53 dollar
Man får tydligen reda på om man kommit in 1-2 veckor om de får alla nödvändiga dokument nu. Jag vet inte om alla mina "nödvändiga dokument" kommit fram men jag skickade dom igen nu. I mitt förra inlägg så skrev jag om att man behövde betala en skolavgift men jag kunde tyvärr inte göra det eftersom jag inte hade tillräckligt med pengar på mitt konto, vilket är skumt eftersom det står att jag ska betala 1342.55 kr och jag har 3065.43 kr just nu.
De har gått två dagar sedan jag skickade det. Just nu så väntar jag endast på svar. ^^
Go Go Nihon! 1. Begin! Beginning your Komma igång med din ansökan!
Hi! I am going to write about my experience on process to conatcting
Go Go Nihon and go to Japan! I started to write in January but since I didnt
know if I would be accepted ro not, I decided to write about it now when I have been accepted!
I am very sorry if I have used the wrong words or if there is something that you cant understand what I mean, but you are welcome to ask me about it and I will try my best to answer. ^^
7 January, I have been in contact with Go Go Nihon for about half a year?
They answer your questions fast and explain very good, their homepage is also very good and they give you the answers to the frequently asked questions. I went to a lecture in 6 October 2013 18.00 and got a lot of questions answered and I also recorded the whole lecture since I wasn't fast enough to write down all he said. -_-' xD Unfortunately, you hear a noise in the background and you do not hear so good but enough to hear. However it's in Swedish and I don't know how to put it up on my blogg. :(
On their website you get to write in a contact form http://gogonihon.com/en/gogonihon-contacts and then you get someone from their company to ask all of your questions and all that ^^ I have been in contact with two people (but now, I have been in contact with only one ^^ 4/2 ) and they have been very helpful and kind. They have answered all my questions and its finally january so I can now begin my application ^^
They have given me two links where you write down information about your self.
The application is half in english and half in swedish, kind of, so i will translate what it says.
And aslo this is a application for you who live in Sweden so I don't know how the application in other country's looks like. Hopefully it dosn't look too different. ^^
They also want a copy of your passport, information about if you have been in Japan before, a photo of yourself (they also write down a link where they give you an example of how your Visa application should look like.) They want to see your latest grades. If you want your application to go faster then they recommend you to pay application fee with paypal, you can pay with credit card, bank card etc. However if you pay with paypal it will go faster to pay it and if you now happen to not get accepted to the school, there is a higher chance that you can get the money back. (I haven't done this yet, so i don't know if this is true. But well see ^^ ) They wrote "Furthermore, it gives us the ability to repay the fee in the unlikely case that the school does not even accept the application, which is more difficult if you pay with foreign transfer through bank. " So i am going to pay wit paypal. ^^ Since I don't have paypal, i am doing to have to registerer. ^^
Here is my application message to the school. They told you not to talk so much about manga, anime and games, and more about the future, job, school or so.
"Hi, my name is Maja Johansson and i am 18 years old. I want to study in Japan because i have been very interested in Japanese culture and I think this can be a very good experience. It would be very interesting to observe a whole new country, especially Japan since its a very different culture from Sweden. I have depend on lot of other people to help me in my daily life so I also thinks this could be a very good experience, since I will have to be more independent. I have never study Japanese before. Since I am not sure on what to do later on in my life,I hope learning Japanese as a skill will provide to further possibilities in the future. Perhaps I can become a translator or maybe even teach others Japanese in the future. This will also be good for my CV in the future."
Go Go Nihon! 1. Starta! Komma igång med din ansökan!
The story about how I started to read Manga! ^^
Japan blogg in English!
Hi, my names i Maja and i am 18 years old. I have wanted to go to Japan since i was 12 years old, since I really thought that the people in Japan was going to be like the people in the manga books I hade read. I started to read manga when I was about 8 year old. My big brother Erik hade got Dragonball for christmas and since I was his little sister, it was my duty to see and do what he was doing. So when he was at school or with his friends, I sneaked in to his room and borrowed his manga books and ran as fast as I could to put them back when ever he came home. I became very fond of them and wanted my own manga books. I cant remember if I hade asked my mom to buy me manga books, but i suppose i did or perhaps she hade seen me when i was borrowing them. When I was 9 years old, i got my own manga books which was Ranma1/2, I was very happy because now i hade my very own manga series that I could collect. I did thought still take my brothers books since I hade of course not read the whole series yet.
I liked to play Pokemon, WITCH, Digimon, Sailor moon and a lot of other child programs that you watched as a child. I wasn't so fond of dolls since I didn't really know what to do with them. I thought it was boring to just brush their hair and put new cloth on them. I probably didn't have any fantasy. My first anime was probably Sailor moon, which I often looked at by my self. Cant remember ever watching Sailor moon with me and I am not even sure if he know even now what it is. We used to look at Pokemon and Digimon together. We used to watch and do a lot of stuff together when we were kids, but when i started Ängskolan, it changed he grew out of it. Instead he slept from morning until noon while I was up at 4 a clock in the morning.
I really can't seem to remember what it was named but there was this tv-program that showed at channel 4, right before Sailor moon. I only watched the end because I didn't know the name of the show and I didn't knew when it started. I remember there where "the good guys" and "the bad guys" that was fighting over some magical crystals. They could use the crystals to get different kinds of powers and armor depending on what kind of crystal it was. They could also give it to their "pets" so they could also get powers or armors. The main character was a girl, she hade black long hair and a small white leopard. At the end of the series they always showed a woman with long black hair, (she was a real person and not a cartoon) who always did a magic trick and if she did a "hard" or "dangerous" magic trick, she always said "don't try this at home."
If anyone knows this program then do tell me!! ^^
Something I never liked to do when i was a kid, was to go shopping with my mom. However one day, we went in to the bookstore and I found manga books there. Not a lot but I did find Ranma 1\2 there. ^^ I actually got a lot better at reading when I started to read Manga. I wasn't good at reading at all before that. I was very slow and couldn't understand at all how to read and this was when I was 9 years old. Anyway time past by and I found a new manga that I started to collect, which was Inuyasha! ^^ I can' decide if I liked Ranma or Inuyasha better but they have the same author and her name is Rumiko Takahashi. (If you want to read more about the manga's the you will find theme in the Anime/manga category. However I think some are only in Swedish or only in english..... Oh well you'll see ^^ Anyway my best friend Moa and her mother Carola bought me for my birthday, a book that teaches you how to draw manga. ( I can't really say when but I think it was about when I was 12?) They tooled me that they hade found a bookstore with lots of manga books. (Either it was sf-bokhandeln or it was comic heaven, booth bookstores are in gamla stan / Old town,) I was a little sad when they told me that couldn't really remember where the bookstore was but somewhere in gamla stan. Mom and I looked for it but couldn't find it. :( But one day, my mom came home and told me that she think she have found it. So we went to gamla stan and went inside sf-bokhandeln. (Science Fiction bookstore) There was indeed a lot of manga books and I was so Happy! I started to save money to buy more books.
Since I was so little, I wasn't allowed to go there alone, or rather I couldn't since I always got loosed inside the subway. -_-' So every time I went there, my parent hade to go to different kind of boutiques while I was in the bookstore. I always hade to think for a long time before I decided to buy the books, actually I hade to think a lot when ever I was buying anything. -_-'
Manga did thought me a lot of things (well at least I think so) but it wasn't so good since I was a lot more interested in reading manga then studying. (It has become better I suppose.) -_-' It didn't become any better when I realized that I could watch free Anime when ever I wanted and then find mangafox.com and read free Mangas on the computer, without being in need to get my parents to take me to sf-bokhandeln. Well like everyone else I became older and as I grew older I realized that there weren't anyone who read mangas or at leas no one I new of which was sad. I often went to the library and borrowed manga that they hade. ^^I don't read only manga but I read a lot of "normal books" too. I think it was in 7 or 8 grade that a girl named Mimmi came to our school, though she was in my parallel class. She said that we hade meet before, we hade gone to the same church choir, and I seemed to have called her one time and asked if she wanted to play with me. (This was a looooong time ago.) I really couldn't remember it when she told me that but I think I have a very vague memory of calling someone that I didn't since I was very bored that one day and no one else was home. The girl I called seemed to think that I was very strange and it could have very well been Mimmi. -_-' She wasn't as into Manga as I was but she did like to read theme, sadly a lot of our friends said "Oh no, are you going to talk about manga now again," which was very irritating. It's not like we talked about it every time since it was so IMPORTANT to talk about how their life was, school and all of that stuff. Seriously we talked about manga perhaps three times a year and when we did, we got to "oh have you read .....? Do you like it" and not any more then that before there was someone saying "On no, are you going to talk about manga now again." When I think back at it, I really do think I should have gotten really angry! I get angry even now, since seriously I always listen to what they hade to say. I have some friends now that really likes manga so I am very happy. ^^ I have a lot of friends that doesn't like manga but at least they don't comment it.
When I stated first year at gymnasium, I and my friend Anne-li went to a convent named Uppcon in Uppsala. I was suppose to go there a few year before but I couldn't because I hade to go to Finland with my parents. I kind of regret it now, I really should have gone to Uppcon. It was very fun and it was so sad that the first time was going to be my last time at Uppcon. I think I have written a little bit about my experience but I think most of them are just picture. Anyway heres a link: http://majachokolat.blogg.se/2012/july/bild-bomb-fran-uppcon-d.html#comment
At Uppcon I saw a brochure of Go Go Nihon, I searched and read about them on the internet. It said that they could help you in the process to go and study in Japan. I hade started to save money in order to one day go to Japan! Already before I hade read anything about Go Go Nihon. I am going to write more about Go Go nihon in the another post.